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Lori Saitz

Lori Saitz Profile Photo

founder/podcast host

Lori Saitz is a trailblazer in producing private, internal podcasts for fast-growing companies, helping organizations strengthen community, connection, culture, and communication. Her innovative approach gives founders and CEOs a direct channel to…
▶️ share insights, initiatives, and stories
▶️ highlight employees' stories as a way to recognize them and create community
▶️ maintain that impassioned and engaging corporate culture they had back in the day.
Listen to Lori on her own podcast too, called Fine is a 4-Letter Word, where she engages guests in conversations about how they've grown from a time in their lives when things were decidedly NOT fine.
In addition to her podcasting expertise, Lori has a comprehensive background in wellness and communication strategies for improving workplace productivity and engagement. She's often still asked to deliver workshops on Zen Leadership and Finding Peace of Mind Amidst the Chaos.
After living nomad life while cat sitting across the southeast U.S. for 13 months, Lori now lives in Charlotte, NC. You can often find her in the weight room at the gym. She also loves cupcakes, Thai food, and classic rock music.