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Matt Theriault

Matt Theriault Profile Photo

Matt Theriault is the Founder of Epic Real Estate™. Matt is a fifth-generation California native and Desert Storm Veteran (USMC) and has worked as a full-time real estate professional since 2003. After building a small real estate empire without using one dime of his own money or one point of his own credit (mostly because he was lacking in both when he started), he discovered that he has a knack for simplifying the complicated, implementing systems and producing desirable results for himself and others.
When you get down to it, Matt is really just an ordinary guy who once had a goal to be successful in real estate and become a master of the “multiple streams of passive income” concept. As an experienced and accomplished professional, Matt felt writing and teaching was the next logical step in his career. Also, because of the issues surrounding the economy, he is especially interested in informing the public of what multiple streams of income, cash flow and investing in real estate can do for them.
If living a life free of money worries is a dream of yours, his new book, Escape, is a step-by-step manual of how one man with limited resources got started creating such a life… a life of Epic Freedom!