About Melissa:
Melissa Smith is the CEO and Founder of The PVA, a firm that matches clients with the right virtual assistants, and the Association of Virtual Assistants.
She is also the best-selling author of two books, Hire The Right Virtual Assistant and Become a Successful Virtual Assistant which is an integral part of the College of Western Idaho Administrative Specialist Program curriculum in 2019. Additionally, Melissa also mentors for Remote-how Academy, the first global, online education and individual certification program.
Drawing from her experience while working on five different continents Melissa truly understands how to operate a successful virtual business.
In this episode we discuss:
Melissa's upbringing
Some context into her family
Early adversity
Exceeding expectations
Her work experience
How she pivoted
And more!
Connect with Melissa:
Connect with Jordan:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanjmendoza/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealjordanjmendoza/
Clapper: https://clapper.vip/jordanjmendoza
Join my Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/linkedintrailblazers
Website: https://www.blazeyourowntrailconsulting.com
About Melissa:
Melissa Smith is the CEO and Founder of The PVA, a firm that matches clients with the right virtual assistants, and the Association of Virtual Assistants.
She is also the best-selling author of two books, Hire The Right Virtual Assistant and Become a Successful Virtual Assistant which is an integral part of the College of Western Idaho Administrative Specialist Program curriculum in 2019. Additionally, Melissa also mentors for Remote-how Academy, the first global, online education and individual certification program.
Drawing from her experience while working on five different continents Melissa truly understands how to operate a successful virtual business.
In this episode we discuss:
Connect with Melissa:
Connect with Jordan: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanjmendoza/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealjordanjmendoza/ Clapper: https://clapper.vip/jordanjmendoza Join my Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/linkedintrailblazers Website: https://www.blazeyourowntrailconsulting.com
Installing strategic sales systems & processes will stop the constant revenue rollercoaster you might be facing which is attainable through our 6 Week Blazing Business Revenue Coaching Program
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