About Steve:
Entrepreneur Magazine labeled me as “The Real Life Wizard of Oz” because I have developed a reputation for making the impossible, possible. I founded the first high-end luxury concierge, through which I've arranged things like private dinners at the feet of Michelangelo’s “David” while being serenaded by Andrea Bocelli.
I published a best-selling book, “Bluefishing”, documenting how I’ve built a business on social currency. I have spoken for Harvard, The Pentagon,
and Fortune 500 Companies.
All coming from a young lad that was only qualified to lay bricks at a construction site. I've spent 20+ years falling on my face to learn the lessons that you can implement into YOUR career ambitions.
In this episode we discuss:
Steve's upbringing
His early jobs as a bricklayer
Some lessons he learned at a young age
Hustling his way to China
Getting kicked out of his Apartment
A job that changed everything
His entrepreneurial journey
And much more!!
Connect with Steve:
Connect with Jordan:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanjmendoza/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealjordanjmendoza/
Clapper: https://clapper.vip/jordanjmendoza
Join my Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/linkedintrailblazers
Website: https://www.blazeyourowntrailconsulting.com
About Steve:
Entrepreneur Magazine labeled me as “The Real Life Wizard of Oz” because I have developed a reputation for making the impossible, possible. I founded the first high-end luxury concierge, through which I've arranged things like private dinners at the feet of Michelangelo’s “David” while being serenaded by Andrea Bocelli.
I published a best-selling book, “Bluefishing”, documenting how I’ve built a business on social currency. I have spoken for Harvard, The Pentagon,
and Fortune 500 Companies.
All coming from a young lad that was only qualified to lay bricks at a construction site. I've spent 20+ years falling on my face to learn the lessons that you can implement into YOUR career ambitions.
In this episode we discuss:
Connect with Steve:
Connect with Jordan: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanjmendoza/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealjordanjmendoza/ Clapper: https://clapper.vip/jordanjmendoza Join my Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/linkedintrailblazers Website: https://www.blazeyourowntrailconsulting.com
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