About John:
Mr. Flanders is the President and CEO of CBD Emporium, a growing chain of CBD retail locations in Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and Illinois.
He sits on several advisory boards for a number of other companies, large and small.
Mr. Flanders has long been passionate about helping others, engaging in several philanthropic endeavors, including Homeless Youth Connection, Project AWARE, 1MISSION, and more. With CBD Emporium, he plans to continue to serve his community by educating and guiding customers to engage in healthy lifestyle practices while providing quality, dependable service to others.
Mr. Flanders will use his entrepreneurial experience to look at all opportunities with an open mind and a strong fiscal discipline.
In this episode we discuss:
John's upbringing
The sports he played growing up
Some context into school
His work experience
His entrepreneurship journey
His love for adventure
Why go scuba diving?
The early days of CBD Emporium
The products impact on his Mom
How they handled the global pandemic
And much more!
Connect with John: Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-flanders/ Connect with
Connect with Jordan:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanjmendoza/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealjordanjmendoza/
Clapper: https://clapper.vip/jordanjmendoza
Join my Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/linkedintrailblazers
Website: https://www.blazeyourowntrailconsulting.com
About John:
Mr. Flanders is the President and CEO of CBD Emporium, a growing chain of CBD retail locations in Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and Illinois.
He sits on several advisory boards for a number of other companies, large and small.
Mr. Flanders has long been passionate about helping others, engaging in several philanthropic endeavors, including Homeless Youth Connection, Project AWARE, 1MISSION, and more. With CBD Emporium, he plans to continue to serve his community by educating and guiding customers to engage in healthy lifestyle practices while providing quality, dependable service to others.
Mr. Flanders will use his entrepreneurial experience to look at all opportunities with an open mind and a strong fiscal discipline.
In this episode we discuss:
John's upbringing
The sports he played growing up
Some context into school
His work experience
His entrepreneurship journey
His love for adventure
Why go scuba diving?
The early days of CBD Emporium
The products impact on his Mom
How they handled the global pandemic
And much more!
Connect with John: Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-flanders/ Connect with
Connect with Jordan: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanjmendoza/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealjordanjmendoza/ Clapper: https://clapper.vip/jordanjmendoza Join my Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/linkedintrailblazers Website: https://www.blazeyourowntrailconsulting.com
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