About Brian:
Brian G. Bachand is a man who is living proof that life is an evolution. His own journey from being a priest to then an executive in New York City, Partner in executive search and now founder of his own company, evolution evolution. His expertise is helping professional leaders and organizations evolve to be courageous and intentional as a Leadership Coach, Evolved Recruitment and Inspirational Speaker. He is based out of Toronto and is proud to be both an American and Canadian citizen. Finally, Brian believes when we ask the question, “What do I desire?” – the truth will intuitively lead us forward.
Connect with Brian:
Connect with Jordan:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanjmendoza/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealjordanjmendoza/
Clapper: https://clapper.vip/jordanjmendoza
Join my Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/linkedintrailblazers
Website: https://www.blazeyourowntrailconsulting.com
About Brian:
Brian G. Bachand is a man who is living proof that life is an evolution. His own journey from being a priest to then an executive in New York City, Partner in executive search and now founder of his own company, evolution evolution. His expertise is helping professional leaders and organizations evolve to be courageous and intentional as a Leadership Coach, Evolved Recruitment and Inspirational Speaker. He is based out of Toronto and is proud to be both an American and Canadian citizen. Finally, Brian believes when we ask the question, “What do I desire?” – the truth will intuitively lead us forward.
Connect with Brian:
Connect with Jordan:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanjmendoza/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealjordanjmendoza/
Clapper: https://clapper.vip/jordanjmendoza
Join my Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/linkedintrailblazers
Website: https://www.blazeyourowntrailconsulting.com
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The Blaze Your Own Trail Podcast is powered by:
Blaze Your Own Trail Consulting
Founder, evolution evolution
Brian G. Bachand is living proof that life is an evolution.
His own journey from being a priest to then an executive in New York City, Toronto and now founder of
his own company evolution evolution.
He inspires professional leaders and organizations to shift from a believe of “what is the work” to “what is
the mission” before them. He engages with leaders who feel isolated to align fully with clarity. His expertise
in team management and recruitment of top-tier talent brings a refined insight on how to build a conscious
culture within organization