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Terrifying Motorcycle Accident: My Near-Death Experience on Ventura Boulevard #accident #california

Listen to the full episode: https://www.byotpod.com/e91-an-inspiring-story-of-true-grit-grace-with-amberly-lago/

In this clip, Amberly shares the heart-stopping moment when she
got T-boned on her motorcycle.

From the impact to sliding across asphalt, this is the story of her survival.

Stay safe on the road!

#MotorcycleAccident #NearDeathExperience #RoadSafety #VenturaBoulevard #SurvivingDisaster #MotorcycleSafety #LifeChangingMoment #CaliforniaDriving #StaySafeOnTheRoad #MotorcycleAwareness